Our Team (Well, Family)

Lofty Ladders is currently made up of:


While the main stay of his working life has been in IT and Fabrication, all the skills he’s learned over his entire life are now being applied to running and developing Lofty Ladders. If you call or email us it’s likely that Rob will be the one you’ll be dealing with:


Tom is Robs son and second in command. He’s been on board as a labourer since he was a teenager and now, as he’s turned into a man, is now taking the helm slowly but surely. Confident and sure of himself, you couldn’t want for a happier chappie to work in your home:


Robs beautiful and kind wife. She takes care of most of the procurement, human resources and finance whilst adding the feminine touch to all aspects of Lofty Ladders. From ordering your ladders to filling the goodie bags we give out at shows, Gemma is behind that wheel:


Katherine (Kat), Robs daughter, takes on an admin roll calling back customers to ensure they received their quotes, making sure jobs went well, doing market research and dealing with invoicing. Don’t get her talking about Coco Bean, her Dog – you’ll never get her off the phone!


Murry is Rob’s older brother, after many years in IT he likes to get out and about and use his muscles so fitting doors and ladders when we have lots of work on suits him fine. He likes to keep himself to himself so we’ll respect that with no picture, instead, we’ll use his avatar:


Justin (Rob’s neighbour) was / is the first non family member to work for Lofty Ladders after we took it over from the Rowlands. He is reliable, chatty to the extreme, tall and energetic. Justin normally joins us as a labourer but over time has become quite the master of loft boarding and insulation, he also loves his mum very VERY much:


Graham is the second of our non family member employees and our first real full time grown up employee. Boy, we didn’t realise just how much red tape and financial commitment was involved in having a full time member of staff until Graham came along but we got there and Graham is a good guy. Our customers love him and so will you when you meet him:

As you can see, the money you pay us to help improve your home doesn’t just dissapear into a bank account to pay for fast cars and expensive holidays. It helps our family, our neighbours and our employees and their family to grow and thrive. Without our customers we are nothing and we’ll never forget that.